Tuesday, December 23, 2008

War against Terror!!! How?

As it is known that the terrorists came from Pakistan/ were trained in Pakistan/ were financed from Pakistan/ have any connection with Pakistan then an ACTION has to be taken. I personally strongly want the government to, in various ways, take steps to stop the perpetration of terrorism from Pakistan.

We have to take a pledge that the Mumbai terror attack should be the last.

What are the possible options? Is war an only option? If yes then it kills innocent people. And have we given a thought to the fact that both the countries are equipped with Nuclear weapons? Selected strike on the terror camps is another option but if Pakistan doesn’t allow us then?

Is their only a diplomatic way left then? Only pressure should be used? Should the international community take the final call against Pakistan under the leadership of United Nations?

Will cutting or reducing all relationships be it commercial, cultural, sports, etc. stop or reduce terrorism in any way? How wise is banning of Pakistani artists from coming to India?

Are we going to achieve anything by calling back our High Commissions and shutting down Indian missions in Pakistan? Will cutting all diplomatic relationships lead to Pakistan taking any actions?

Post Parliament attack I have noticed that every time there is a heated discussion between the two nations a particular suggestion always pops up i.e. Scrapping the Indus water treaty. Again after Mumbai terror attack this option is very very much available to us to suppress Pakistan. Even a percent cut in the water supply will leave 1.4 million thirsty in Pakistan. But what about the excess water that would be blocked in our land. We don’t have any mechanism to hold this extra stock of water. Still the question remains whether India should demand to scrap or re nogitate Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan by virtue of which Pakistan gets its supply of water from Indian soil.

Would any of these steps make Pakistan put a stop to the terror breeding spots? How do we make Pakistan comprehend that Terroirsm is detrimental to both the nations equally?

I would like to know your opinion as to how to go on a war against terrorism?

Sanjay Nirupam

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Constructive use of the anger, fury, rage……That should be the outlook now.

I have noticed in various media channels- news channels, newspapers, radio internet…that the faith in the leaders of the country has vanished.

First, First, First

I appreciate your anger, I understand your frustration, and I congratulate you to now be awake. [as some people put it]. Till the society, the common man accepts the status quo or the exploitation by politician, [a few exceptions I would mention though], politicians will continue to do so. But if the society agitates then it makes a difference.

Lighting candles, gathering at Gateway of India and shouting slogans, wearing black or white, writing aggressive status messages on networking sites like facebook, orkut, gtalk is off course an appropriate way to express the anger of the society. It shows that still our society is live, full of vigor and awake unlike the power hungry politicians.

If you think this will decrease the level of corruption and increase the level of accountability and the competency of the political class please go ahead with it.


If you think these are ways of expressing your emotions of all kind but is not really going to make any difference in the country then please read ahead.

Like I said I appreciate your anger I also ask you today to use it in a constructive manner.

Don’t blame the system from outside, become a part of it. I am not asking you to leave your jobs, stop living your normal lives, without doing so you can be a part of it.

Our system needs intelligent, creative and vigorous people like you. You can do a lot more – action speaks louder than words.

If any of the above made sense to you then respond. I’ll guide as to how you can do your bit to strengthen our democracy and make the political class more responsible and accountable. So that we all live in a secure, developed and prosperous environment.

Sanjay Nirupam

Don’t Just Blame the system, be a part of it now. Sterilize it. Sanitize it.