Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not Slumdogs…SlumLions!!!

While I will try to restrain myself from sounding like a boast about my country in this blog but this seems to be a hard task considering how proud I feel about my
country and her recent achievements on the world stage.

While it’s a big day today with India winning its Oscar and that too in a grand fashion by winning 8 out of the 10 nominations, I would want to step back a little and recount other events of the recent past.

-India through Bindra wins it’s a first individual Olympic gold medal
-India becomes the seventh country to launch a successful moon mission
-India remains strong and isolated in the global economic downturn

The thing that I observe from above is the strides that India is making is not restricted to a single field and instead the variety from sport to space amazes me.

It’s not a singular India that’s growing but its pluralism in growth is. It’s evident that people of India are making it happen.

There have been set-backs with recent terrorist attacks, Satyam scam, erosion of wealth in sensex downrun which has all about brought a sad and recessionary feeling in the society.

But I think I write today to dispel just these feelings and put down my beliefs that these things are only dark lining to a silver cloud named India and would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the whole team of Slumdog Millionaire on their achievement.

The slum dwellers should not be called Slumdogs, they should be called Slum Lions

Sanjay Nirupam
“Indians Take Heart in 'Slumdog Success'”


  1. great thoughts sanjay ji, felt like you are talking and reading my mind. really nice post.

  2. Great thinking sir,after all we the people will change the world.


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