Friday, August 21, 2009

Jaswant Singh should be expelled from India and sent to Pakistan

Jaswant Singh in his Book "Jinnah - India, Partition, Independence" has praised Jinnah and criticised Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel which is totally unacceptable. Jinnah was the propagator of the two nation theory on communal lines which was the cause of partition and hardships.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel besides contributing immensely towards our freedom struggle were also the architects of modern India.
Jaswant Singh has been expelled from BJP. He should also be expelled from India and sent to stay in Pakistan. Praising Jinnah shows total disrespect to all those people who have laid down their lives in the freedom struggle and is totally anti-national.


Sanjay Nirupam


  1. well sir
    congrates for your crystal clear annoucement
    i want to attracting your attention as why only jaswant singh, whynot Mr.advani should parcel to pakistan

  2. Don't be stupid Sanjay
    stop being the RSS person you once were...

    Nehru was equally at fault for the partition. He was way junior to be the PM. Jinnah deserved it more than Nehru. didn't you know that? I bet you know considering you were a well known and well read journalist once...

    stop being a politician for once and appreciate someone's work.

    btw... you seem to be in a hurry. not too well written a post!

  3. Giving comments on anybody on any topics is really easy. A person without knowing much about Indian history can comments like you.Even the people on a road side bettel shop talk in the sameline.

    Why don't you write a book on Jinhah or Nehru and put your thought in it. Which I think is a much difficult task.

  4. I would have happy if you would have presented some arguments/facts to counter attack Jaswant Singh instead of suggesting expelling Jaswant Singh from India. This statement reminds me you came from shivsenaa and you still don’t know how to respect others view.

  5. Sanjay you have lost our mind. Thats why making such useless statements. Dont forget "Gidhad ki maut........"

  6. Well, I thought I'd say something...but the comments above reflect what I wanted to say. Expel Jaswant Singh from India huh?

    First of all, which PR agency is writing for you? Ask them to hire better don't expel people from a country, you extradite them! Or may be you should write the blog in Marathi? :)

  7. Didn't the Big Boss guys invite you for their sequel? I think you have better future over there than in politics!!

  8. vichar apane- apane.
    कृपया मेरी नवीनतम पोस्ट पर पधारें , अपनी प्रतिक्रिया दें , आभारी होऊंगा .

  9. BREAKING NEWS - Dr.Sanjay Nirupam Member of Indian Parliament. Honoured / Getting Hony.Doctorate Degree the Field of Political Science from Trinity World University of U.K.on today.Shree Sanjay Nirupam is a third time Member of Parliament. He has served two terms as MP in the Rajya Sabha, and now represents North Mumbai in the Lok Sabha. He is the Secretary of AICC and also Secretary-in-Charge of the important state of Bihar. He is one of the National spokespersons of the Congress Party to express the Party's view on different issues on TV Channels, Print Media and other fora.He is a member of Parliamentary Committees like Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and Finance Committee.

  10. Enlightenment reveals itself not to those who merely seek it,but to those who continue their quest beyond its discovery.
    May you find happiness and satisfaction in pursuing all your future goals. You should be so proud of yourself for your dedication and perseverance! All your hard work has paid off. A SPECTACULAR Achivement. CONGRATULATIONS!.Congratulations on getting your Hony.Doctorate Degree! ......:):):)..


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