Tuesday, December 23, 2008

War against Terror!!! How?

As it is known that the terrorists came from Pakistan/ were trained in Pakistan/ were financed from Pakistan/ have any connection with Pakistan then an ACTION has to be taken. I personally strongly want the government to, in various ways, take steps to stop the perpetration of terrorism from Pakistan.

We have to take a pledge that the Mumbai terror attack should be the last.

What are the possible options? Is war an only option? If yes then it kills innocent people. And have we given a thought to the fact that both the countries are equipped with Nuclear weapons? Selected strike on the terror camps is another option but if Pakistan doesn’t allow us then?

Is their only a diplomatic way left then? Only pressure should be used? Should the international community take the final call against Pakistan under the leadership of United Nations?

Will cutting or reducing all relationships be it commercial, cultural, sports, etc. stop or reduce terrorism in any way? How wise is banning of Pakistani artists from coming to India?

Are we going to achieve anything by calling back our High Commissions and shutting down Indian missions in Pakistan? Will cutting all diplomatic relationships lead to Pakistan taking any actions?

Post Parliament attack I have noticed that every time there is a heated discussion between the two nations a particular suggestion always pops up i.e. Scrapping the Indus water treaty. Again after Mumbai terror attack this option is very very much available to us to suppress Pakistan. Even a percent cut in the water supply will leave 1.4 million thirsty in Pakistan. But what about the excess water that would be blocked in our land. We don’t have any mechanism to hold this extra stock of water. Still the question remains whether India should demand to scrap or re nogitate Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan by virtue of which Pakistan gets its supply of water from Indian soil.

Would any of these steps make Pakistan put a stop to the terror breeding spots? How do we make Pakistan comprehend that Terroirsm is detrimental to both the nations equally?

I would like to know your opinion as to how to go on a war against terrorism?

Sanjay Nirupam


  1. Now that it is clear that the terrorists are from pakistan, we hope their media stops portraying the whole incident as a farce....

  2. I don't think banning pakistani artists from coming to india is a good idea...after all art and creativity shouldn't be bound by man made divisions

  3. Pakistan has been the breeding ground of terrorists for quite some time now...I think they should accept the fact that they have a failed governing system and things are beyond their control....

  4. Pakistan is not doing the right thing and even though we know all this, we don't do anything. Why do we have to worry about others when they didn't take care of our emotions and our innocent people.. we should just use the military power

  5. war is not a solution.u r right tht innocent people loose their lifes. n if nuclear weapons r used we will witness another hiroshma nagasaki.
    Sellected striking is a good option but pakistan wont support tht,it wont admit tht it has terror breeding on its land. the nation is too egoistic to beliee tht

  6. War is absolutely not the ans. why cannot we push up UNO to take stringent action. Arent they watching? How much more is required? We should raise our voice so strongly that they should get up from their slumber. Lets not waste more time before any action is taken.

  7. Common, we all know that pakistan has been an ill wisher for us. how much more do we need yaar.where is the Enough is enough spirit.the government should see this spirit sanjay ji.
    enough is now seriously enuf. get the damn military working.Pakistan leaders n people r cursing india. they say we hav enuf army n airforce support to fight india.
    n we do nothin about this??

  8. its exact one month of terror attack. May we know what has been done so far. Like it a year may pass. have u taken any steps at the grassroot level to combat this menance. today also any one can enter the local stations with objectionable materials in a bag, as pictured by one of the tabloid.


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